The goals of the Foreign Language department at Waukesha South High School are to develop the language skills of:

  • UNDERSTANDING the spoken language
  • SPEAKING within a conversational context with clarity
  • READING & INTERPRETING directions, tests and articles from newspapers and magazines
  • WRITING clear and gramatically
  • UNDERSTANDING the cultural heritage of the people who speak the langauge and its relationship to the practices & perspectives of the spoken word
  • ACCUAINTING students with daily life activities in the target language and revealing ways in which culture and language are interwoven

The above goals apply to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. Teachers in our classes expect and encourage the development of:

  • Application of basic skills
  • Ability to enhance thinking skills
  • Improve communication skills
  • Create a level of quality work expectations
  • Ability to Adapt one's language skills as a connection to our community